On Love at Leaping Lamb Farm
Guest Post by Charlotte Mick, originally written for Yonder
There are places, experiences, and even people who can change the perspective you have on life. Leaping Lamb Farm is one of them because of all three.
I was invited to visit Leaping Lamb Farm with my husband, Jon, who works for a company called Yonder. In a nutshell, Yonder, has a website that helps people find and book places to stay, with an emphasis on nature. Our visit was to allow Jon to meet with and learn from the owners of the farm, so that he could better understand their needs as stewards. What is a steward you ask? A steward is a host (on a Yonder property) who participates in your stay. They may give you a tour of their property, help with your itinerary/activities, or even share a meal with you if you would like…which is unlike other booking platforms where you’re given a key code and never see a soul.
Upon our arrival to the farm, we were greeted by two smiling and welcoming faces. Scottie, one of the owners, and Denny who is one of the farm managers. They took us to our cabin which contained all the necessities and more, including fresh flowers cut from their garden earlier that morning. The view from our front porch was stunning. It was a view of the open hay field, ram yard, garden, and chicken coop which were surrounded by lush trees in many colors. We unloaded our things and then took a full farm tour with Scottie. We first met the rams, then the chickens, sheep, horse, donkey, and even the kitties on the property. We took in as many acres as the eye could see, and I was in awe of the large garden, vineyard, and orchard. I couldn’t believe how many beautiful flowers were growing, not to mention, the abundance of any type of produce you could think of. It was obvious all the hard work that had been put into this space. The animals were very well cared for, and I noticed the sweet disposition that each staff member had with the animals. By this time, we had met back up with Denny and had met his wife, Kate, who is also a farm manager. Kate’s calm spirit not only put the animals at ease, but it did for me as well.
That evening, we assisted with the farm chores and were invited to eat with Scottie and her husband, Greg, who is also one of the farm owners. We learned a lot about one another over that meal, and we looked forward to the coming days of getting to know them more.
We started the next morning with a hike into the dense, fog-filled forest, along with Scottie and some of her local friends. As the fog lifted, we were enveloped in so much life! There were ferns covering the forest bed, mushrooms, and growth everywhere. We were taken to what is known as “The Merlin Tree,” which is exactly what it sounds like. A huge, moss covered tree with a tiny door located at the base of it. We also saw tiny, fairy homes and even a special portal created in these woods, which made it even more magical.
Side note-- I know, I know. This place sounds made up or even out of a book, movie, or just my active imagination. But I have to tell you, it is out of a book. Scottie’s book, Country Grit, which I read prior to coming to the farm. I encourage you to do the same, because you will feel like you know the “characters,” and you will want to meet them all during your stay.
I spent the day helping Denny with anything that he would allow me to do, but I had a feeling he was taking it easy on me. That evening, Jon and I were a bit tardy to a dinner with Greg, Scottie, Denny, and Kate. Greg and Scottie had invited us into their home, and I had lost track of time while gathering food from the garden. I had promised to make fried green tomatoes but was overwhelmed with all the other gorgeous vegetables I had found. Jon and I cautiously carried in a large charcuterie board covered in beautiful food and flowers and a Caprese salad that I had made from the garden’s offerings…oh, and a basket of green tomatoes. Scottie allowed me to cook in her kitchen without hesitation, and for me, that was an invitation of acceptance and love. Once we sat down under the candlelight with soft music playing in the background, I slowly tried to take it all in. We were eating food that had been harvested off the land. Food that was grown and cared for by the hard-working stewards sitting around me… and the conversation was even better. It took me back a minute. I took a few deep breaths in and out while looking at each of their faces. They each had such amazing stories to tell about their lives, and I realized what an unexpected blessing this experience had become. It allowed me to connect with kind people, with the land, with wholesome food, and back to nature. This food, this meal, this experience, this magical place…all reconnecting me to love. A love for life, a love for others, and a love for all of God’s creation.
So, I’m just going to leave you with one question.
When was the last time you sat down at a candle-lit table, eating food you harvested, while having meaningful conversations with people you adore?
(If your answer is “never” or “it’s been a long time,” please look in to booking an experience with Yonder. It will change your life for the better.)
With Love and Gratitude.
All photographs by Charlotte Mick