Vistas & Vineyards - Artists on Location
Last week we played host to the artists of Vistas & Vineyards - Artists on Location, a local group that meets weekly to paint “en plein aire” at sites around the Willamette Valley and nearby areas.The day did not seem to be ideal - it was gray, rainy, and cold! The artists took up spots around the farm that kept them (mostly) under cover.
After a few hours, they gathered in the barn to have lunch and review all the work that had been done during the morning.
Because they were having lunch... guess who had to be put into an empty stall for a little while?Yep, Mr. Gillie "I'll take that sandwich, thanks" Jones. He kept the recent sheared fleeces company for about 20 minutes or so. He's a GOOD BOY. (He wanted me to tell you that.)Below are some photographs of the pieces as they were that afternoon. Some were still in progress, some mostly finished. None of them are done justice by my photography!I don't have the artists names who created these, but we're working on getting them, so I'll update the post as soon as I have more info. I also didn't manage to catch photos of all the pieces, unfortunately!Click on the thumbnails to see more detail:
Keep up with Vistas & Vineyards via their Facebook page, or website. Many of them will be showing artwork at a show at LaSells Stewart Center later in the year, and will participate in the Clothesline Sale of Art in Corvallis in August.