More Spring Scenes From Around the Farm
Some photographer friends visited during Open Barn Days and captured some wonderful images of the lambs and other scenes around the farm. Here are a few more photos - with a hearty thanks to them for letting us share!First, a peek into the chicken yard, where Bob (the Polish Tophat rooster) enjoyed showing off, and Ike (the Black Australorp rooster) posed with one of the girls...(Photos: Paul Deatherage)Here we have the oldest rooster, Johnny... we're trying to figure out where the best place is for him to spend the rest of his days. He's slowed down and can't hang with the other guys, but he seems a little lost out by the barn, too. In the four small images, we have Mouse being a lap-ram, PeaDiddy being curious, Deedee sunning herself, and Paco, as always, most interested in food.
(Photos: Paul Deatherage and Pat Kight)And, finally, a few final shots taken by our visitors... the leaping lamb sign on the house, a pink dogwood, barn decor, Honey Grove creek, and a sweet ewe chewing on some grass.
(Photos: Paul Deatherage and Pat Kight)Thanks again to everyone who came out to visit in April - today's May 1st and we're enjoying some warm weather and looking forward to summer right around the corner!